The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy (Dr med W. H. Schuessler) - DIPLOMA -

The short-term Diploma Course “The Clinical Science of Biochemic Therapy (incorporating Facial Diagnostics)” presented by The Institute of Biochemic Medicine (Asia Pacific) in association with the German Association of Biochemistry founded in 1885 and in conjunction with the European Institute for Biochemistry of Dr. Schuessler is available as:
- Correspondence (Distance Learning) course - Full time study (4 day-intensive-courses) - incorporates an interactive part of Facial Diagnostics
A non-clinical, short, but intensive course providing a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the Biochemic system of Medicine by Dr med W.H. Schuessler, founder of Biochemistry.
Course outline
- The fundamentals of Biochemistry accorded to Dr. Schuessler
- Describes individually each of the 12 mineral salts
- Signs and symptoms of deficiencies (patient history)
- The use of and the art of Facial Diagnostics and Diagnostics generally
- Treatments - Prescriptions - Doses; and the important aspect of detecting why there are deficiencies of these essential elements. By use of these methods, applied to the proven science of Biochemic Therapy, seeks to teach the student how to treat the cause rather than the signs and symptoms of the disease.
- Physiological aspect of the elements in their Structural, Electrochemical, Metabolic, Catalytic and Miscellaneous roles
- The mineral salts as Cation and Anion pairs
- Absorption and Assimilation
- The value of the Arndt Schultz Law in considering the prescription.
- The role and effects of the mineral salts in the process of Osmosis, and how this can positively affect the absorption and assimilation of both Homoeopathic, Allopathic, and alternative therapeutic treatments.
Correspondence course is available world wide. It is divided into four parts, designed to be accomplished at a “self-learning pace” in 6 months, forwarded as a complete unit, comprising:
- Administration & Introduction
- General course study material
- Additional Study Notes and further information
- Three assessment papers
- Magnesium - An Essential Element of life (Magnesium Phosphate), by Dr. A. Sutton
- Facial Diagnostics - An Introduction to the Biochemic Healing Method, by Peter Emmrich
Final Assessment
The final assessment will be made through:
- The submission of three assessment papers during the term of the course
- A final examination, comprising 30 questions
This course is approved and accredited by the following organisations:
- German Association of Biochemistry
- European Association of Biochemistry
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society (Australian Students, on successful completion of final examination of this course, either by distance learning or full time study, are awarded 20 CPE points)
- International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) - Insurance available
- Bowen Association of Australia
- Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia
Course Fees:
- Distance learning - fully supported courses of 6 months duration - A$900 (extensions may be granted)
- Full time (4-day intensive courses) - A$900 (minimum numbers apply) - see Workshop and Course Schedules
AUD$900.00 inc. GSTAdd to cart

The course is open to all Health professionals and lay persons, wishing to increase their knowledge of this fascinating but natural and scientifically proven method of healing
Please note the course is not available in digital formal - available only as hard copy books and notes !